People who are with me....

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


forever a foam :'(


Zombie said...

Epic Nyan cat van!!!!

D4 said...

Why did I laugh so hard. I know I've seen better stuff at some of these points, but I couldn't help it. Such weird lols.

MRanthrope said...

is it sad that I thought I recognized the hot storm trooper as April O'Neil but then didn't see her tattoo and realized it wasn't her??!

So much lulz miss. So much!

Anonymous said...

Book laptop is pretty cool.

escapist said...

Had a good lol. The pink one with the cat is from The Big Bang Theory, right? At the beginning I thought it was a mediocre show, but then I watched it out of boredom and I actually got pretty attached to the characters. Now I'm waiting for the new season :D

Atley said...

I liked the onion reversing rolls with the human. haha, crying onion.